Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Principle of Induction

Based on the writings of Swami Panchadasi.

The principle of induction describes an energetic phenomenon: inherent qualities or attributes of energy can transfer to nearby objects, setting up a correspondence of energy between objects. Direct contact between the objects is not required.  This energy transfer is normal and intuitive.  For example, a hot object set beside a cold object will eventually result in two objects of a moderate temperature.  When light is shined at an object, some of the light will then bounce off the object (allowing us to see it in detail) and both objects appear illuminated, in a sense.  A strong magnet can cause a non-magnetized magnetic metal to become magnetized.  Electricity travels between conductive objects, and sometimes across air.  Sound waves can cause objects to vibrate at a sympathetic rate, and sometimes even shatter glass.  

There is another example, perhaps denied by some thinkers.  Yet Panchadasi sights this example that aligns to his beliefs in the power of thought.  And I believe it is worthy of careful consideration.  Emotions and mental atmospheres are contagious between people. Examples here include religious fervor, political enthusiasm, war like spirit, prejudice against or in favor of certain types of people, and the mob mentality.

Panchadasi takes us several steps deeper in this thinking.  If one person is sad and another is happy, will they reach a moderate compromise of emotion, will both end up happy, or will both end up sad? The answer varies, of course.  There must be a scientific explanation for the imbalance of power between emotional energies of different people.  He offers a hypothesis that includes three factors. 

  1. Differences in the degree of the feeling;
  2. Differences in the degree of the visualization;
  3. Differences in the degree of concentration.

When feelings are vivid and intense, they are stronger.  People who behave in a more animated way, with stronger desires and more ambition, are more forceful with their energy and tend to overpower those that are meek and quiet.  These more intense feelings tend to be felt more easily by others.

Visualization refers to how well the person can see the end result in their imagination.  Spending time around prolific creative artists sparks more creative expression.  Spending time around an individual contemplating suicide is depressing.  The more I love books and reading, the more likely those close to me will be interested in the same thing.  The more my friend loves to shop at a certain store, the more I see myself in harmony with that person when I shop there. The strength of the person’s vision allows for greater contagion of energy.

Concentrating on visualizing or feelings or visualizing the results of feelings will magnify the strength of the energy.  It isn’t even necessary to speak to the other people nearby about it.  A sensitive communicator will notice the feelings, or vibrations, or vibes, from another person, and that is strengthened by focused concentration. 

A person trained in energy work, or with strong experience with a particular type of emotional energy, can easily identify the emotions projected by others without trying.  This skill is also accessible to those that tend to be less intuitive if they desire to develop it. Some people may try to harden their hearts against feeling the emotions of others.  Panchadasi doesn't mention this, but the degrees of success people may or may not experience has me a bit curious.  How possible is it, really, to avoid getting swept away by the strong, focused feelings of those around us?

It is wise to consider the atmosphere you project to others, because sensitive types can feel trapped by other people’s emotions.  Strong, focused emotions, including visualizations can really bring down others over time.  It is possible to consciously choose to concentrate and visualize the results of positive emotions to uplift one’s self and even other people that you come in contact with.  Results will vary with the amount of effort that you put forth.  Panchadasi presents the principle of induction as natural law.

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